11.29.10 Bonita Padilla 3 dogs INSIDE MY FENCED YARD all week!!!
Already I have put up with this for 15 years. I keep thinking it is over. Yet all of this week, Bonita Padilla's 3 dogs were getting inside my fenced yard by squeezing through the bottom of a gate (padlocked). We installed a bungee cord to keep them out to cure that. But, all 3 were back on the INSIDE PERIMETER of our fenced yard in video. After the loud commotion in this video Bonita Padilla stuck her head out the door and whistled for her dogs to come home (another video), but 15 minutes later they were back INSIDE THE INNER PERIMETER of our fenced yard again!! I was initially forced to put up a fence TO KEEP THE PADILLA DOGS OUT, because of Padilla NEGLECT and refusal to to obey Texas Law. But the Padilla was never forced to keep their dogs in. Even later, after they were court ordered to keep their dogs up (1 Bonita Padilla dog was E*UTHANIZED by the county, and 7 BP's dogs were voluntarily surrendered by Mrs. Lillian Padilla to animal control) and 2 years later, the dogs STILL RUN FREE. Why? Bonita Padilla says, "It is cruel to fence them in, because then they can't get their exercise chasing cars." The Padilla have NO SHAME and clearly NO RESPECT for Texas Law, Judge Spikes, the sheriff, or animal control of Montgomery County, Texas. Much less innocent residents and children in the neighborhood (and other animals) who have to put up with them. Why does the county allow innocent residents to put up with this? Why does the county force residents to pay out of their ... Bargain Sale Golite Light Therapy Hl10 Plantronics Fast
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